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Most popular "why do.." searches by state:

Alabama: Why do dogs lick
Alaska: Why do we celebrate Halloween
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California: Why do flies like poop / Why do ankles swell / Why do birds suddenly appear / Why do girls wear makeup / Why do humans kiss / Why do humans cry / Why do I feel so alone / Why do jumping beans jump / Why do people snore wedding collections With Lace Appliques at discounted price
Colorado: Why do my boobs hurt
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Delaware: Why do dogs eat grass
District of Columbia: Why do I sweat so much
Florida: Why do I feel so alone
Georgia: Why do you love me
Hawaii: Why do roosters crow
Idaho: Why do men have nipples
Illinois: Why do dogs have tails / Why do my teeth hurt / Why do zebras have stripes
Indiana: Why do my boobs hurt / Why do cats knead
Iowa: Why do cats knead
Kansas: Why do cats knead / Why do I sweat so much
Kentucky: Why do cats knead
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Maine: Why do leaves change color
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Massachusetts: Why do cats hate water
Michigan: Why do I have diarrhea / Why do people cheat
Minnesota: Why do apples float
Mississippi: Why do living things need water
Missouri: Why do tomatoes split
Montana: Why do dogs eat grass
Nebraska: Why do fireflies glow
Nevada: Why do dogs lick
New Hampshire: Why do leaves change color
New Jersey: Why do yankees do thumbs down
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New York: Why do feet smell
North Carolina: Why do hurricanes form
North Dakota: Why do dogs eat grass
Ohio: Why do I hate myself / Why do guys have nipples
Oklahoma: Why do dogs lick
Oregon: Why do cats knead
Pennsylvania: Why do birds sing / Why do cats hate water / Why do dogs pant / Why do farts smell
Rhode Island: Why do cats purr
South Carolina: Why do I sweat so much / Why do kids bully
South Dakota: Why do dogs eat grass / Why do dogs eat poop
Tennessee: Why do fireflies glow
Texas: Why do ears ring / Why do eyes twitch / Why do I bruise easy / Why do my kidneys hurt / Why do my legs ache / Why do seals slap themselves / Why do they call it the birds and the bees / Why do veins pop out
Utah: Why do we yawn / Why do NFL players kneel
Vermont: Why do leaves change color
Virginia: Why do people cheat
Washington: Why do cats like boxes
West Virginia: Why do cats purr
Wisconsin: Why do fireflies glow
Wyoming: How to kiss